Analyst Coverage Table
Firm |
Analyst |
Bank of America |
Noah Hungness |
Capital One Securities |
Phillips Johnston |
Citi |
Paul Diamond |
Gerdes Energy Research |
John J. Gerdes |
Jefferies |
Lloyd Byrne |
Johnson Rice |
Charles Meade |
Mizuho Securities USA LLC |
William Janela |
Morgan Stanley |
Devin McDermott |
Piper Sandler & Co |
Mark Lear |
Raymond James |
John Freeman |
RBC Capital |
Scott Hanold |
Roth Capital Partners |
John M White |
Truist Securities |
Neal Dingmann |
Tuohy Brothers Investment Research |
Noel Parks |
Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. is followed by the analysts listed above. Please
note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Northern Oil and
Gas, Inc.'s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not
represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Northern Oil and Gas, Inc.
or its management. Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. does not by its reference
above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such
information, conclusions or recommendations.